
[국제]제1차 마약퇴치 월드포럼 (1st World Forum Against Drugs)

[국제]제1차 마약퇴치 월드포럼 (1st World Forum Against Drugs)

  • 작성자 관리자
  • 작성일 2008-07-23
  • 조회수 11166

제목 없음

제1차 마약퇴치 월드포럼 (1st World Forum Against Drugs)


제1차 마약퇴치 월드포럼이 아래와 같이 개최됩니다. 약물남용과 불법 약물 거래를 줄이기 위하여 풀뿌리 차원에서 마약퇴치를 위해 노력하고 있는 NGO, 정치인, 과학자, 자조집단, 전문가 및 관심 있는 사람들의 참여 바랍니다.


아 래

   가. 기간 : 2008년 9월 8일 - 10일

   나. 장소 : Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14 스웨덴 스톡홀름

   다. 주제 :
       ㅇ 약물 예방 100년 - 우리가 나아갈 방법은?
          (100 years of drug prevention - how do we move forward?)

   라. 등록비 : 2900 SEK
       ㅇ 회의 참석, 프로그램, 커피 및 점심 등

   마. 사용 언어 : 영어

   바. 등록 및 호텔 예약 등 : www.wfad08.org

   사. 프로그램 내용 등

Major Sessions

as by 2008-06-18, additional names and sessions T.B.A

Monday September 8
Mentorship as a Tool for Prevention
Jeff Lee, Executive Director, Mentorfoundation, UK
Ramzi Naaman, executive director of Mentor Arabia. Lebanon
Dr. Ken Winters, University of Minnesota, Chair Mentor International Scientific Advisory Network, USA

Research on Alcohol and Drugs: What Do We Know and What Do We Not Know?
Harold D. Holder, Senior Research Scientist University of California, Berkeley, USA
Neil McKeganey, Professor at the Centre for Drug Misuse Research, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Abstinence Oriented Rehabilitation
Craig Nakken, author, lecturer, therapist, USA
Anastasia Agafonova, PR officer, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Russia
Andrea Muccioli, lawyer and sociologist, head of San Patrignano Community, Italy
Robert L. DuPont, MD, President Institute for Behaviour and Health, USA
Dr. Ehab El Kharrat MB BCh, MSc, PhD Executive Director, Freedom Drugs and HIV Programme, Egypt
Christer Karlsson, founder of KRIS, Criminals Return In Society, Sweden

Latin America – Production as well as Consumption of Drugs
Alejandro Vassilaqui, Executive Director CEDRO, Peru
Mina Seinfeld de Carakushansky, President of BRAHA – Brazilian Humanitarians in Action
Carlton Wilson, Senior Superintendent of Police, Narcotics Division, Kingston, Jamaica

Thailand – Positive Examples of Alternative Development
M.R. Disnadda Diskul, Secretary General Mae Fah Luang Foundation, Thailand

Tuesday September 9
Can Afghanistan Get Rid of The Opium Problem?
Christina Oguz, UNODC Representative in Kabul, Sweden
General Khodaidad, Minister of Counter-narcotics, Afghanistan
Mohammad Shah Rauf, DACAAR, Saffron project, Afghanistan

Is Britain Changing Foot about Cannabis?
Mary Brett, Retired Biology Teacher, Author and Eurad Board Member, UK
Theodore Dalrymple, author and psychiatrist, UK

Drugs and Traffic
Charles Mercier-Guyon, MD, Traffic Medicine Research Centre Annecy, France
Joël Valmain
European Commission
DG TREN - Road Safety Unit

Drugs for Conflict
Svante Cornell, Reseach Director Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Sweden
Sandro Calvani, Director UNICRI in Rome, Italy

The Dutch Drug Policy: Facts and Philosophy
Frans S.L. Koopmans, MA, director of communications for De Hoop Foundation
Andreas Kinneging, Professor of Law, University of Leiden, Netherlands

Drugs on the Internet
Cecilia Fant, Detective inspector, National Crime Police, Sweden
David Altmeier, Kriminalhaupt-kommissar, Specialized Officer
for Drugs and Criminal Organizations, Interpol, Germany

Wednesday September 10
Drugs in the Family
Tania Major, Criminologist, Project Officer at the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership. Australia
Tatiana Murtazina, teacher and mother who lost her daughter, S:t Petersburg, Russia
Jonas Andersson, was imprisoned in Bolivia. His family helped him back to Sweden

Drug Habit Surveys
Björn Hibell, PhD. CAN Sweden
Karin Svanberg, PreCens, Stockholm Sweden

Cannabis and the Brain
Maria Ellgren, MD Karolinska Instiute, Sweden
Peter B Jones Professor of Psychiatry Cambridge University, UK

Africa Struggling Against Drug Abuse
Rogers Kasirye, Director of the Uganda Youth Agency, Uganda
David Basangwa, consultant psychiatrist at Butabika National Psychiatric hospital, Kampala, Uganda
Suleiman Arale, anti-khat acitivist, Sweden

Random Student Drug Testing
Robert L.DuPont, MD, President Institute for Behaviour and Health
Lisa Brady, Superintendent of Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, New Jersey, USA
Nils Lundin, M.D., Dipl PH, School Health Consultant, Helsingborg, Sweden

Youth and Drugs
Dr. Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, Dean of the School of Public Health and Education at the Reykjavik University, Iceland
Dr Nalan Engin, Istanbul, Turkey


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